SDG Branding Projects & Consultation

文化是城市的未來;而文化發展的核心價值在於 “使城市和人類住區具有包容性,安全性,復原力和可持續性”,這亦是聯合國第十一項可持續發展目標(SDG 11)所倡導的想法。
Culture is the urban future. It lies at the heart of “making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable,“ the idea which the 11th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations promotes.

Our Vision and Mission

  • 通過研究城市的物質和非物質遺產來保護城市的文化
  • 透過創新意念及影像來保護並詮釋城市傳統,以配合城市的未來發展
  • 通過傳承和企業品牌促進可持續發展

  • We safeguard the culture of a city by studying its tangible and intangible heritage.
  • We conserve, interpret and adapt the urban heritage to the future through innovative and visual approach.
  • We facilitate sustainable development through heritage and corporate branding.